We’ve enclosed lots of Advanced Resources within the hostonfire.uk Web Site Control Panel. These tools will let you do straightforward jobs such as protecting a directory using a pass word or far more sophisticated ones such as, for example, adjusting the PHP release of your cloud hosting account. Even though the jobs they do are different, the whole set of Advanced Resources have 1 thing in common. They’re genuinely easy–to–work–with and involve zero particular abilities on your part.

Hotlink Protection

Secure yourself from traffic cyber–theft

Any time you create authentic content material there’ll always be somebody who will attempt to get hold of it devoid of your approval. It pertains simultaneously to text and pictures. And here, the Hotlink Protection tool integrated into hostonfire.uk’s Web Site Control Panel will surely assist you. With a click, you will protect all photos on your website by preventing other websites from backlinking to them.

By result of this, not only will you avoid other people from stealing your images, but you’ll at the same time ensure you follow your monthly data traffic limitation.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Computerized building of .htaccess files

Integrated inside the hostonfire.uk Web Site Control Panel you’ll find .htaccess Generator – an impressive software instrument, which enables you to produce .htaccess files and never having to create them manually. The tool calls for no experience and absolutely no understanding of .htaccess file operations.

Using an .htaccess file, you can easily divert several webpages of your site or whole site to a brand new location. You may also use it to safeguard a folder by using a password or even to have PHP code inside HTML files, etcetera.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Prevent harmful IPs from accessing your website

Inside the hostonfire.uk Web Site Control Panel we have built in quite a effective tool that enables you to limit ability to access your websites by stopping unique IP addresses. With the IP blocking tool, you are able to prevent an IP address or, perhaps a full range of IPs from obtaining your website. To find out which IP addresses create the ’bad’ site traffic to your website, you can check out the Stats Manager.

All IP addresses will be stopped up promptly and no–one will have a way to see or gain access to your web site from them anymore.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Customize the PHP settings for one’s web site

For any of the cloud hosting bundles from hostonfire.uk, you can choose the PHP build for your sites – coming from older PHP builds just like PHP 4 to the most recent stable versions. You can do that with simply a click of the mouse. All the changes are carried out speedily. For each PHP release, you have access to the php.ini file for your personal site, so you can fully alter the manner PHP works for you.

We offer a effective interface, which allows you to instantly customize the most critical PHP functions. Anytime, you can even get back to the standard settings so as to restore a back up copy.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Generate automated planned tasks

In the hostonfire.uk Web Site Control Panel, we have created a straightforward and easy–to–use user interface for establishing completely new and taking care of established cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job is really an appointed task – often a script, that’s run at defined periods of time. It may be a basic script for checking whether your web site is on the Internet, an emailing script, a web site functionality report, etc.

It is easy to set take advantage of cron jobs with all of our cloud hosting deals. In the event you demand more cron jobs, you can buy further as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Fantastic way to secure your files

If you would like to make a location inside your web site that’s seen simply to the individuals you want, it is possible to take full advantage of the Password Protection instrument. Working with it you can quickly set up a username and password protected directory which will be secured and accessible merely to you and anybody else whom you share the logon data with.

The directory is going to be safeguarded automatically and no one else can check out what exactly is on the inside. You’ll be the only person who will be in a position to modify or change it if you do not plan to authorize different users to access it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with a couple of mouse–clicks

In case at any moment you decide to redirect your web site to a new website link, you can do that fairly quickly while using the URL Redirection instrument listed inside the hostonfire.uk Web Site Control Panel. You do not need to create a particular .htaccess file and manage any kind of advanced lines of code. All that you should actually do is determine which domain name to redirect and precisely where you wish it to point out. Our intelligent system is going to handle everything for you.

And if you don’t need the domain redirection you have arranged, you’re able to cancel it with just a click of the mouse.

URL Redirection